Rescue Your Old Life Insurance Policy to a New Investment Grade Policy

Do you have an old cash value life insurance policy?

You can exchange your old policy into a NEW Investment Grade Life Insurance policy, even if you have outstanding loans on your old policy. Using a little known section of the Internal Revenue Code -- Section 1035 -- you can exchange your old policy for a new policy, Tax Free!

There are many possible reasons why a Tax Free Exchange may be a great idea for you to consider:

The purchase of Life Insurance is a serious decision, with significant financial implications for you, your business, and your heirs. That is why it is always a good idea to use a professional insurance agent when purchasing life insurance. The best choice is an insurance agent that has earned the professional designation Chartered Life Underwriter.

For a FREE initial consultation with a professional life insurance agent that specializes in Life Insurance Retirement Plans under Section 7702, call today: (800) 680-5596